
RoboCon 2025 Helsinki Recap

Simon Meggle

RoboCon 2025 is behind me - four days full of exciting presentations, inspiring talks and new ideas.

Now, back home, I’m sorting through my impressions - and there are plenty of them!

This conference is something special for me every year: nowhere else do I experience a community that shares so openly, discusses together and drives new ideas forward.

In this article, I’d like to share my personal highlights with you - the talks that had a particular impact on me and the topics that I will definitely be following up on.

RoboCon 2025 Day1: New Impulses on Unconference Day

Simon Meggle

The RoboCon week traditionally starts with the “Unconference Day ” - a day on which the Robot Framework community freely organizes itself and discusses the topics that move it most without a fixed program.

My summary of this day…

Robotmk v2 quick start

Integrate the first RobotFramework test with Robotmk v2 in Checkmk step by step.

Simon Meggle

This step-by-step guide will help you get started with synthetic monitoring with the new version of Robotmk, which is integrated in Checkmk 2.3.

Effortless Python Environments in Robotmk with RCC

All you need to know about RCC, the 'virtualenv on steroids'

Simon Meggle

In this blog article, we shed light on the background to the development of RCC, the problems it solves and the immense advantage it brings to the Robotmk project.

Edge detection for the ImageHorizonLibrary

Which problems can arise of image recognition within ImageHorizonLibrary - and how we solved it.

Simon Meggle

Edge Detection in the ImageHorizonLibrary - an experiment with great potential.